

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

消火システム概要 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic

厨房消火システム パンフレットデザイン制作



Kitchen fire extinguishing system brochure design production

I would like to simply give you a brochure of a kitchen fire extinguishing system that does not use electricity. From the request of, we have been working on the construction, design and illustration.

The cover shows the model number large so that the model number can be easily recognized. The illustrations on the left and right pages are divided into “features” and “configurations” in the middle page, and the images are displayed in large size so that the selling points of the features can be seen immediately after opening. The configuration page uses illustrations to explain how the system works and the illustrations of the pin structures.


内容 : 消火システム パンフレット制作
仕様 : A4 4P
紙質 : OKマットコート 150kg

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura