

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

2社合同 会社案内 パンフレット デザイン制作 Works|Graphic





2 company brochure

Creation of joint brochures for manufacturing and planning sales departments. We assigned colors to the manufacturing department and the planning sales department, combined each other’s colors and neighboring colors into a striped pattern, and designed and produced a cover that looks at the relationship between the manufacturing department and the planning sales department.

On the inside, the relationship between the two and the details of the work are easily divided into the manufacturing department and the planning sales department, and the business process is represented by icon illustrations. The management philosophy was created here after repeated hearings. We also create new icons and flows for explaining services.

内容 : 会社案内デザイン
仕様 : A4 4p

Art Director: Hiroshi Nishimura
Design: Hiroshi Nishimura
Copywriting : Takahiro Kuwata


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  • works
  • Graphic
  • 2社合同 会社案内 パンフレット デザイン制作