

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

コンサルティング会社 Webサイトリニューアル Works|Web



[wp-svg-icons icon=”exit” wrap=”i”] 森永思考造形研究所

Consulting company’s website renewal project
The second renewal.

I will talk about various things, the top page design that was stripped of unnecessary information in the end.
Imagine handing over a business card when meeting for the first time, keeping the top image on the business card, and cutting off concept messages, profiles, company information, SNS links, and inquiries so that emails can be launched.

In addition, the actual business card is also produced with the same design as the top image.

CONTENTS will know what you are thinking about what you are doing, what kind of work you are doing, what kind of work you are doing, and what kind of work you are doing with projects, past results, notices, and blogs that are currently moving. In order to make it easy to convey to our customers, we create a text-based layout and create images like newspaper and books.

内容 : Webサイト制作
仕様 : CMS(WardPress)構築

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura

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  • works
  • Web
  • コンサルティング会社 Webサイトリニューアル