

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

サービス案内 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic





Taxi company service information brochure design

We interviewed the flow of sales at the time of the meeting, and with the service pamphlet divided for each A4, the sales put in customer’s original materials, pocket folders (cases for storing materials) and A4 ( Service overview) was divided into roles, and sales were made to make it easier for customers to explain to customers.

Before shooting, we were in charge of ordering location models and direction, photo development and composition after shooting.

内容 : 会社案内パンフレット
仕様 : ポケットフォルダ + A4 片面 12P
紙質 : ポケットフォルダ OKマットコート 150kg / 中面 マットコート135kg

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Photographer : Ag Pro
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura