

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

飲料水 通販カタログデザイン Works|Graphic

海洋深層水 通販カタログデザイン

■ サービス内容

■ 受注内容

■ デザインコンセプト



Deep sea water mail order catalog design

■ Services
Mail-order catalog design for companies engaged in deep-sea water mail order

■ Order contents
There is a mail order catalog created in-house, and there is a request to renew the current catalog with a lot of information such as information organization and color control. During the meeting, the organization of information, how to show product photos, and page structure are also proposed.

■ Design concept
The cover design of the mail order is considered to be a template to some extent, the cover frame color is changed according to the season, and the photo is also limited to change with a seasonal feeling, looking at the cover layout and in-house mail order catalog We are making it with the intention of dragging the layout into the customer who received it.

The inside surface determines the key color for each category, so that the movement of the hand and the color change when turning the page can be told naturally, and the number of colors in the page is not used so much. , It is designed to keep an eye on product photos.

■ 仕様内容
内容 : 通販カタログデザイン制作
仕様 : A4 16p
制作期間 : 約 3ヶ月

Art Direction : Hiroshi Nishimura
Design : Hiroshi Nishimura