

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

瓦斯会社 会社案内パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic

瓦斯会社様 会社案内パンフレットデザイン制作

■ サービス内容

■ 受注内容

■ デザインコンセプト



Gas company company brochure design production

■ Services
Company brochure design for companies that supply gas in the Kanto area

■ Order contents
The company guide is produced every year during the Orient. Impressive cover design is the main selection. That is why one of the cover designs for the competition cover page design and the middle page design was designed.

■ Design concept
The company’s pamphlet has been produced because he prefers the cover design to be the main and he likes the clear color. There are five corporate colors, and using these five colors, we designed the layout of the pamphlet with an art-like layout based on the concept of changing companies flexibly and with a slight awareness of Japanese shapes.

The inner surface is also conscious of the corporate color, and the overall structure is designed so that people who are watching by changing the category transition by color are aware of the difference between each content by the action of turning the page and the visual change of the content The company created a brochure design that reflects the diversity and energy of the gas company.
会社案内デザイン パンフレットデザイン

■ 仕様内容
内容 : 会社案内パンフレット制作
仕様 : A4 24p
制作期間 : 約 3ヶ月

Art Direction : Hiroshi Nishimura
Design : Hiroshi Nishimura