

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

オフィスサービス案内 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic


■ サービス内容

■ 受注内容

■ デザインコンセプト

Office cost reduction guidance brochure design

■ Services
A company that proposes and constructs products related to cost reduction in the office, such as environmental products, office supply, and mobile. We handle a wide range of environmental products such as LED, air conditioning, thermal barrier paint, water-saving device, and renewable energy.

■ Order contents
We had a meeting with the request of “A business brochure design that can explain the services of the entire company at once.” What kind of position is the person who can actually meet at the meeting, and what kind of decision right is there for that person? I thought about that, and thought about the concept of the pamphlet so that it could be reflected in the pamphlet design.

■ Design concept
We look at the brochure and think about the concept of the brochure design, assuming “where will it sound?” And “how it will flow”, carefully examine the information delivered to the target audience and the information delivered beyond that, The discount rate is the most sympathetic to people in the world. ”The image and the percentage of the discount will be expressed in numbers and the main visual so that the impression remains. It was created as a tool for first impressions so that people can talk to each other.


内容 : サービス案内 パンフレットデザイン
仕様 : A4 4/4c 12P
紙質 : サンシオン ハイホワイト 145kg
制作期間 : 約 2.5ヶ月
デザイン総額 : 630,000円 写真購入費込み (消費税別途)
印刷総額 : 1000部 240,000円 (消費税別途)

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura

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  • オフィスサービス案内 パンフレットデザイン