

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

鍼灸院 チラシデザイン Works|Graphic



Flyer design to post
The theme was “Don’t throw away.” I placed information and images on the surface, and I made a design of the salon color with an image friendly to the main color, considering the catch phrase of “I would like to be myself”.

On the back side, I illustrated the pressure that I could do on my own as “the point where the body’s upset eases”, and even if it was a little time to look at the flyer or put it in the refrigerator, I won’t lose it. I try to get you thinking.

内容 : チラシデザイン
仕様 : A4 両面
紙質 : 印刷データ納品

Concept : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura