

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

VR制作企業 会社案内 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic


表紙は「LIFE STYLE COMPANY PROFILE」を上部に配置し、下には余白を活かしロゴマークを立たせています。ロゴに使われている複数のカラーを英文に散りばめ、たくさんの人材が育っていくようにと願いを込めて会社案内の表紙デザインを制作。



Company brochure production for VR creator development

We promoted white as a whole.
On the cover, “LIFE STYLE COMPANY PROFILE” is placed at the top and the logo mark is raised below the margin. The company has created a cover design for the company with the hope that many colors used in the logo will be scattered in English and that many human resources will be nurtured.

On the inside, the corporate message is spread widely and used to impress the corporate green color as an emphasized color.
I used the same color for the message and the part that I wanted to emphasize, and worked on the design of the company information while impressing the viewer that there was something like this color.

内容 : 会社案内デザイン
仕様 : A4 16p

Creative Direction : Hiroshi Nishimura
Graphic Design : Hiroshi Nishimura