

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

新卒採用案内 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic

新卒採用案内 パンフレットデザイン

■ サービス内容

■ 受注内容

■ デザインコンセプト




New graduate recruitment brochure design

■ Services
Various health care services are provided to realize a healthy future. We are developing a healthcare solution business and a web solution business.

■ Order contents
Request for renewal of the design and composition of brochures used when hiring new graduates.

■ Design concept
The design of the cover is based on the image of diamond (human resources).
The idea is to turn the page by color according to the business, and visually inform the viewer that the department or content has changed.

Arrange business descriptions and photos to make it easier to understand what the business is. For the interview, select a theme and post the interviewed article. Layout to unify the layout and give a sense of security. The schedule of the day in charge is posted, so that you can imagine how you work.

In the new graduate recruitment pamphlet, the timetable and the composition of employees are visually expressed using infographics, taking into account the parents’ perspective.

内容 : 新卒採用パンフレット
仕様 : A4 4/4c 16P
紙質 : マットコート 135kg + マットPP貼り

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura
Writer : Takahiro Kuwata
Shooting : Ai Matsushima