

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

社内啓蒙 ポスターデザイン Works|Graphic







Designed from in-house enlightenment poster concept making

There were orders for posters to be posted at the headquarters and sales offices, and the message from the company “Thank you” was created from the point where it was first decided.

A collection of photographs of over 2,000 employees of employees at each sales office is put together on a poster, made into a corporate logo, and a message from the company saying “Thank you for your support”.

In addition, this is a poster suggested by employees to be used as a communication tool for internal colleagues and the same workplace as “What are you doing now?” And “How are you doing?”

The message from the company is “Thank you” and is posted at the head office and sales offices.

内容 : ポスターデザイン
仕様 : B1

Concept Making : Hiroshi Nishimura
Graphic Design : Hiroshi Nishimura