

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

ISPサービス 会社案内パンフレットデザイン制作 Works|Graphic


■ サービス内容

■ 受注内容

■ デザインコンセプト



Company brochure production

■ Services
Companies that provide real estate-related service systems such as ISP services for apartments, real estate business support systems, and network services.

■ Order contents
At the time of the meeting, the shape of the company profile is changed to the pocket folder specification according to the sales style of the sales person. A4 is divided into each service, and the whole is designed according to the style that the sales staff explains each service one by one.

■ Design concept
・ Company profile cover design concept
Expressing the network (network technology) in the background, the circle in the center expresses people’s lives and the earth, expresses “wrapping up life with networks and technology.” The period is expressed as a waveform, expressing changes in business and lifestyle.

・ Service guide middle design concept
Subtitles are placed in order to make it easier to find the title area when it breaks down. The lower part of the title is used as a free layout by the service. The color used is restricted so that the image of all pages does not vary.

内容 : 会社案内デザイン制作
仕様 : ポケットフォルダ + A4 片面 12P
紙質 : ポケットフォルダ OKマットコート 150kg / 中面 マットコート135kg

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura


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  • ISPサービス 会社案内パンフレットデザイン制作