

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

A3 三つ折り リーフレットデザイン Works|Graphic

太陽光発電システムの共同購入用のA4 三つ折りリーフレットデザイン


このリーフレットで全てを網羅せず、詳細や申し込みは Webサイトへ誘導するようにしています。


A4 tri-fold leaflet design for joint purchase of photovoltaic systems

It was submitted as a design proposal.
On request to use it for posting, etc., I selected a color (Y: 100%) that stays in the post and is common with sunlight. The title is written on the front and back, and the content that is the theme of the prefecture is used as the lead sentence.

The flow of joint purchase on the front, the merits and characteristics of joint purchase on the inside, and explanation of the fixed purchase price system.
This leaflet does not cover everything, and details and applications are directed to the website.

内容 : リーフレットデザイン制作
仕様 : A4 三つ折り

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Illustration : Hiroshi Nishimura