

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

FX入門ルールブック パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic





[wp-svg-icons icon=”link” wrap=”i”] 信用取引ルールブック

FX brochure production

Produced a cover with the hint of the other side of the door in the request of the introductory rule book.
The theme is “Let’s open the door after knowing the rules before you begin”.

For the production of two types (credit transaction and FX), the color of the cover is placed at the four corners of the center, and the reader is aware of the color and classify the types.

I keep the text as small as possible, create all the graphs and illustrations in the pop with pop images, and change the lines and colors in the emphasis areas to make them visually easy to attach.

内容 : パンフレット制作
仕様 : B5 中綴じ 12P
紙質 : キャストコート 90kg

Creative Director : Hiroshi Nishimura
Edit / illustration : Hiroshi Nishimura