デザイン実績 Graphic / Web
文献複写サービス 会社案内デザイン制作 Works|Graphic
文献複写サービス企業様 会社案内パンフレットデザイン制作
■ サービス内容
■ 受注内容
■ デザインコンセプト
Document copy service company Company brochure design production
■ Services
We specialize in all fields of science such as science, medicine, food, engineering, materials, physics, biology, electrical machinery, machinery, etc. Service overview and company brochure design for companies conducting research and acquisition
■ Order contents
For companies with special services, the previous service information pamphlet has a large amount of text, and it is often not transmitted even if you read all. In addition, the design was similar to competitors, and I was looking for an unprecedented design.
■ Design concept
Because it is a company that provides complicated services at first glance, such as obtaining documents from various industries and copyright permission, we designed and produced the pamphlet with a simple and easy-to-understand structure. Numbering representative service contents, leaving enough margins to convey the flow and image with an explanation of the service outline and easy-to-understand icons, and the detailed service is designed to explain on the website.
■ 仕様内容
内容 : 会社案内制作
仕様 : A4 8 p
制作期間 : 約 3ヶ月
デザイン総額 : 233,800円 (消費税別途)
印刷総額 : 3,000部 138,000円 (消費税別途)
Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura
Copywriting : Hiroshi Nishimura