

デザイン実績 Graphic / Web

カードセキュリティー会社 パンフレットデザイン Works|Graphic




Credit card security company brochure design production
We designed from keywords such as global information security, cyber credit card.

The cover creates a cyber-patterned background and places the earth in the center to emphasize the global. On top of that, a catch phrase and a credit card for “Creating a secure future” are placed, and the center is emphasized. The items introduced in the middle are listed in English at the bottom.

内容 : パンフレットデザイン
仕様 : A4 4p

Designer : Hiroshi Nishimura
Copywriting : Hiroshi Nishimura


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  • works
  • Graphic
  • カードセキュリティー会社 パンフレットデザイン